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Holy guacamole – writer’s block is no joke!  I’ve been quiet on the net because despite my many thoughts, nothing came.  I’d read a scripture and wait – read it again – and the perfect message just wouldn’t flow.  Actually, forget ‘perfect’ – nothing flowed.

So, in trying to mash some words together for the sake of letting you all know that I am alive and well, today I’ll resort to telling you about our weekend.

Friday we stayed home.  Despite telling Abby that she couldn’t particularly ‘swim’ due to a swimmer’s ear diagnosis and a 10 day prescription of drops and antibiotics, she did surprisingly well.  She found several other things to do to keep her busy.  And while she was busybody-ing around the neighborhood, it gave Jacob and me hours to be silly in the pool, and reenact Noah’s Arc by saving lady bugs and grasshoppers who fell victim to the curve of the bullnose edge.  Grandpa Al came over, too, for a bonfire and pizza.

Saturday was another homebound day – kids played with other kids and incessantly asked for updates on the firework countdown. Thank goodness for neighbors with deep pockets – they all put on a remarkable show, making my $10 Meijer variety pack seem laughable at best.

Sunday was a much anticipated day trip to Lexington Beach.  I packed a cooler, sand toys, towels, and sunscreen all into the radio flyer, and off we went.  Before we left, Abby meticulously selected an overpriced “Abby” sterling silver wannabe necklace as her souvenir, whereas Jacob’s indecisiveness and love of sugar left him desiring candy.  We then made a pact to stop at three ice cream places on the way home, each person getting to choose the family’s flavor in a bowl with three spoons. 

The plan was quickly a bust when the first place was still closed out of an abundance of COVID caution, and the should-have-been-third sampling, but really was only the second, taunted Abby (who got to pick at the first place) with a “Unicorn Star” flavor whose description read, “purple vanilla ice cream whirled with blue frosting, sparkly glitter stars, and magical sprinkles” – you know, every 6 year old girly-girl’s dream. 

Once the 90 degree heat turned it into unicorn soup in less than 2 minutes, she informed me she was no longer hungry and that she was disappointed that the picture showed marshmallows but there weren’t any in there.  Her years of experience hunting through boxes of Lucky Charms gives her an uncanny ability to quickly determine whether she’s been duped.  Mom fail!  As for me, I opted for a “key lime pie with graham cracker chunks” flavor and Jacob kept it safe with his traditional “twist.”  We made it home in time for the neighbor’s 9 year old birthday party.

And here we are: Monday.  Back to the grind.  The routine.

What about you, how did you spend the weekend?